Here are a few things to be noted before coming to the recording studio.

Recording and Video Editing

  • Each recording should be performed straight through. Only the time spent in tuning the instruments will be deleted during video editing.
  • Total performance time for all items is 28 minutes.
  • Re-recording of items is strongly discouraged.
  • Any unavoidable requests for offline video editing must be communicated via email to
  • Copy of the recording can be given to the artist only after the program is telecast.
  • You can order copy of the DVD by following instructions on the Swaralahari website.
  • Swaralahari and Studio make the final decision regarding the telecast. All the recordings done by Swaralahari will be normally telecast. Any request from artist on cancellation of telecast will by reviewed by Swaralahari and the Studio.
  • Dress Code

  • Avoid white colored dress.
  • Avoid fine prints/patterns
  • Contrast borders are better for sarees.
  • Reasonable makeup is highly recommended for female artists.
  • Green Room Facility

  • Only performing artists are allowed inside the studio
  • Only crew members are allowed in the control room area.
  • A small room is provided for artist assistants to be seated while recording is in progress.
  • As the place is small we request the artist and assistant to leave immediately after their recording is finished.
  • Kindly limit the number of accompanying family members to 1 or at most 2 people.